
Leather interior car in modern life is a luxury and prestige. Due to rising incomes of the middle class, these luxury and prestige are becoming more affordable.
Automotive leather, unlike the skin of other destinations (eg, furniture, footwear, etc.), has high strength, durability and fire resistance. It must be resistant to chemical solvents and should not be afraid of the water. Leather car interior withstands years of operation, while maintaining the original appearance and good breathability.

Elegant leather upholstery significantly enhances the prestige of the car and its owner. In addition, leather-covered interior is more practical: it increased noise insulation and acoustics, and the sealing of joints of parts significantly reduces the likelihood of extraneous squeaks and vibrations.
With these it benefits the skin are increasingly being used at a complete car. Temperature extremes, exposure to sunlight and chemicals, aggressive exploitation makes the demands for quality automotive leather is very high. The complex process of making further increases the cost of automotive leather: the price of European goods per square meter increased too far beyond the $ 100

What we like about the skin that we appreciate her and what is not?
In addition to appearance and other advantages of a natural material, most importantly, we appreciate the feeling of touching a soft natural surface of the skin.
However, in most cases we do not like to see the scars of scratches, labels and other defects that are completely natural in the animal’s life, and sometimes almost completely cover the entire surface of the skin-
Therefore, one of the first steps in the production of the skin, like any other natural material is sorted by the presence of surface defects.
The presence of defects depends on climatic conditions, conditions in the country of origin, breed, and even sex of the animal.
In most cases, from whatever end of the world would not have been hides 85-90% of their number, usually have those or other defects.

At this stage, from 60% to 90% pricing skins. With the highest number of defects are going to produce inferior skins, with a small number of defects on the skin of mid-level and, accordingly, no skin defects of the surface suitable for elite skins.
For manufacturing cost-leather skins are further machined to remove and conceal defects. Line the surface of a special plaster in places of deep scratches and other defects, and then polished with sandpaper. After applying a layer of basic dyes the skin are making the mold, which has a picture surface genuine leather. The bigger and deeper picture, the more defects it will be able to close.
As a result of such processing produces a homogeneous surface, with virtually no visible defects, convenient for further use.
Naturally, such a machining removed the upper layer at the same time, of course, lost the very pleasant sensation from contact with the natural surface of expensive leather.

The highest average surface hides of cows is 5-6.5 square meters. meters.

Manufacture of finished leather
Manufacture of finished leather – a rather laborious and lengthy process, which takes place in several stages.

Sorted skin pass in the dye shop, where they receive a so-called prefabricated Crust (crust).
Prefabricated sorted and passed to further stain, which is carried out on the latest technologies in special dye drums, which allows economical use of chemistry and delicately treat your skin. Dressing and dyeing – not the most significant component in the price of leather, but, nevertheless, very important. This is a complicated process, on which depend precisely those properties that are highly valued in the skin. Only professional specialist companies can produce high-quality dressing and dyeing.

Perfectly smooth “elite” skin at this stage is ready to do the packing station.
Skin, which, for whatever reason is not smooth, being embossed.
Specialists determine the quality of skin and type of embossing, which will help hide minor flaws surface of leathers.
The most common thickness for automotive leather – 1.2 -1.6 mm. Less common automotive leather higher thickness.

What makes automotive leather from the furniture?
Distinctive features are explained by the operating conditions. Leather furniture is almost constantly at room temperature, usually not exposed to strong sun radiation, etc.
Automotive leather to withstand high temperature differential, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, have high performance in abrasion, tear, etc.

Different Mersedes, BMW, Audi, Honda asked its technical characteristics, what kind of temperature drop, the degree of humidity, etc. (From 20 to 120 parameters) are allowed for the skin, which will be used in the salons of their cars, in addition, the structure of the picture surface of the skin normally should coincide with the pattern surface of the plastic items.

Based on the desired characteristics, selected chemical composition for the manufacture and dyeing of automotive leather. Number of applied chemical components vary, but their total value is usually much higher than the cost of components used to manufacture furniture leather.

If the waist does not use interior automotive skin, say, furniture, footwear or clothing, then there is a high probability of loss of elasticity, cracking, fading, and ultimately lost the appearance of the salon for a short period of time.

Care – this is important!
Many believe that the auto-skin, because of their handling properties, not particularly in need of care is a serious bug! automotive leather, like any other is an organic materiyal which is characterized by aging, shrinkage, stretching and stuff. so we are all always strongly recommend that though, would be once a month to process leather interior and interior design tools for uzhodu skin! this will prolong the life and preserve a beautiful view of your interior for years to come ….